Thursday, February 17, 2011

Using Amazon Mechanical Turk

All about using Amazon Mechanical turk, a simple way to earn small amounts of money doing simple tasks

Amplify’d from
Earn Money Online Using Amazon Mechanical Turk
Mechanical Turk is a program you can use to do jobs online doing simple work controlled by They jobs are called HITs. This stands for "Human Intelligence Tasks"
Mturk (as Amazon Mechanical Turk is known) is not a path to instant riches. In an hour long "experiment" with Mturk I personally made a hair over $6 for 1 hours worth of work. One of the biggest "slowdowns" is reading the "job descriptions". Once you have done a few, many of the jobs are the same and this can be completed a lot faster. Some people claim as much as averaging $10-15 an hour. That means that this could be the online equivalent of flipping burgers at Mickey D's. Not a ton of cash but it takes little real skill.

One interesting way to make money is to use the system while watching TV or a movie. You will go slower of course, but since it doesn't take you paying too much attention you might earn $4-5

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