Sunday, January 30, 2011

Exercise at the Office

5 great ways to get some exercise done at the office

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In these hectic and busy days, it seems there's never enough time to get everything done. Balancing personal life with work and family responsibilities is hard enough. Trying to add exercise into that mix makes things even harder. If there's really enough time for personal, professional and family life how is it possible to find time to exercise that we all so badly need.

Not exercising ends up being the option many people take. This leads directly to excessive weight around the waist and ultimately can even lead to increased physical difficulties that can make work, family responsibilities and personal life even harder. One of the best ways to combat at least some of the difficulties in not having time for daily workout everyday this is to try to get some exercise done while at the office or relaxing in your home. Fortunately there are some great ways to exercise while at the office.


Friday, January 28, 2011

Understand the differences between a virus and a bacteria

The many differences between a virus and a bacteria

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The difference between a virus and a bacteria is like the difference between a  Almond and a Watermelon.  That is to say that there are a few common traits, but in the large scope of things there are far more differences than similarities.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Get your eBooks for nothing, and your chicks for free

Why spend money on eBooks for your kindle, Nook, Kobo or IPAD when you can learn some places where you can get many great eBooks for 100% free.

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There are many places online that you can find free eBooks for the Kindle.  Kindle will convert many eBook formats, including PDF, so many formats you can find for eBooks online can be used on the Kindle with minimal effort.  There are publisher and author sites that can get you a lot of top quality eBooks online.  “Public Domain” site like Project Gutenberg where all older copyright free books are published in multiple formats.  There are even quasi-legal methods to acquire free eBooks, such as torrent downloads.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Creative gift ideas to get for your girlfriend

Valentines is on its way, think of using some of these creative gift ideas for your girlfriend to avoid the normal bland presents of Chocolates and Roses. SHow her your creative side as well as your romantic side this Valentines day.

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Tired of getting the same old boring gifts for your girlfriend?  Want to get a little creative.  Maybe give a present that takes a little thought or work?  Try these creative gift ideas for your girlfriend.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Saving Money in the Winter Season:The Season of Discontent and High Bills

Saving money is something that everybody likes. Saving money should be a year-round effort, but it is especially important during the winter months. This is the time that money seems to be almost flying out your windows from escaping heat. When winter rears its ugly head, learning a few money-saving tips can be an excellent idea for any family

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Saving Money in the Winter Season:The Season of Discontent and High Bills

Saving money is something that everybody likes. Saving money should be a year-round effort, but it is especially important during the winter months. This is the time that money seems to be almost flying out your windows from escaping heat. When winter rears its ugly head, learning a few money-saving tips can be an excellent idea for any family.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Discovering the truth behind, "feed a cold, starve a fever"

what is the truth behind the statement "feed a cold, starve a fever"? Is it good advice or bad?

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Feed a Cold and Starve a Fever
Which way is it?

The first question is about the statement itself. Some people swear it is, "Starve a fever, feed a cold" while others will go with "feed a cold, starve a fever". No one knows exactly how this saying came about. It was first used in 1574 I dictionary writer John Withals. This common cold myth can definitely be said to be correctly phrased as, "feed a cold, starve a fever."
Feed a Cold
Starve a Fever

Safe flu and cold relief for the high blood pressure sufferer

Flu and cold relief often comes in the form of medicines that are not conducive to use for the high blood pressure sufferer. Read the following to get an idea of what to avoid and what to possibly use if you suffer from high blood pressure and have a flu or cold.

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High Blood Pressure Safe Cold and Flu Relief
There are many people these days that have issues with blood pressure. During the flu and cold season there are many people who get sick and want over-the-counter relief to help them through the tough times

Many decongestants work by narrowing the blood vessels in the nose. These will also sometimes have an effect on other blood vessels in the body. Since a hypertensive is increased pressure on the blood vessels already this narrowing of the vessels can take a dangerous situation and make it worse. The answer to this problem is fairly simple. Only take cold medication that clearly state that they are approved for use with high blood pressure.
NSAID Pain Relievers

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are a common means of combating the common cold and flu. Unfortunately this form of pain relief can also conflict with many forms of high blood pressure medications as well as

Monday, January 17, 2011

Kindle Covers-the Best in Kindle Protection

Kindles are not cheap. Learn the basic steps you should take to make your Kindle not only look good but to be safer.

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The Kindle is an amazing gizmo.  The Kindle 2 can hold over 1500 books.  This is an amazing small library. The only problem is that it IS an electronic gizmo.  Like any piece of electronics you can break in scratch from rough usage.  You can toss a normal book across the room with no ill effect, I would recommend that for Kindle.

E-Reader Comparison

A comparison of some of the best E-readers available. If you wonder If Nook, Nook Color, Kindle, Kobo or the Sony Digital is the way to go, this should help clarify any questions.

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eReader Device Comparison

E-reader comparison is no longer an easy thing. Once it was easy to choose an e-reader. There was Kindle and little else around that compared. That is no longer true. There are lots of e-readers around and it is tough to compare them. They all have good points and bad. Frankly E-reader comparison is tough and often depends on the person who is doing the comparison these days.

Reduce Debt: Secrets of Loan Modifications

Anyone with a crushing debt that finds it hard to pay the bills should look into a loan modification. They are not to be taken lightly, but they can keep you from amassing late fees and ruining credit with non-payments

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A loan modification can be a lifesaver. It can be the difference between losing your property and keeping it. It can be particularly effective if you just need a "little help" to get over a hump.

Real tips make money blogging

No BS honest ways to make some moeny online with a blog

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Despite what some sleazy pitchmen may say, earning money from a blog is neither quick nor instant. The idea that a person starting a brand new blog will instantly begin earning money in a rapid and easy push-button fashions is patently untrue. Earning money with a blog is certainly possible, but it is important to understand the realities, as well as having realistic and actionable tips on how to go about doing it. This article will give an honest appraisal of the ways you can earn this money blogging and about what work will need to be done to make it happen.

Best place to find free ebooks

Get your free eBooks for the Kindle. Find the very best place and method online to secure your free eBooks

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There are many places online that you can find free eBooks for the Kindle.  Kindle will convert many eBook formats, including PDF, so many formats you can find for eBooks online can be used on the Kindle with minimal effort.  There are publisher and author sites that can get you a lot of top quality eBooks online.  “Public Domain” site like

Project Gutenberg where all older copyright free books are published in multiple formats. 


Friday, January 14, 2011

Chicken Soup and Common Cold Redemption

Can Chicken soup really help common cold recovery? Learn about how this food and others may or may not help with recovery from common cold ailments.

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A study of foods that help to fight the common cold; including the illustrious Chicken soup, renowned champion of the common cold or simple old wives tale.

Is it real? The truth of feeding a cold and starving a fever

Do you really feed a cold and starve a fever. The trith of this old saying.

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Feeding a Cold, Starving a Fever: Separating Truth from Fiction
There's a lot of misinformation thrown out with the term, “Feed a Cold; Starve a Fever”. Is this ancient wisdom true? Is it exactly opposite of what should be done. Or is the whole idea of this old phrase is antiquated is leeching?

Funny rules of Grammar

A list of sentences, poorly written, to illustrate rules of grammar.

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Funny Rules of Grammar (Good rules,Bad Sentences)
The English language is precise. Some rules of grammar make sense to a reader; others do not. Regardless there is usually a correct way to write anything. The following is a funny look at some of the rules of grammar. The rules of grammar are all correct the sentences themselves… are not.

Symptoms of the Flu

Learn the symptoms of the onset of the flu.

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Watch Out! Its the Flu Coming

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Feed a cold -Starve a Fever: Truth of Fiction

Is the old home rememdy saying "feed a cold/starve a fever based on sound scientific practices or ancient hogwash? Read on to find out.

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Feeding a Cold, Starving a Fever: Separating Truth from Fiction
There's a lot of misinformation thrown out with the term, “Feed a Cold; Starve a Fever”. Is this ancient wisdom true? Is it exactly opposite of what should be done. Or is the whole idea of this old phrase is antiquated is leeching?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Feed a Cold; Starve a Fever.

Is the saying "feed a cold, starve a fever" correct or just an old wives tale? Find out the truth behind this old saying, to properly arm youreself for this for this flu and cold season

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Feed a Cold; Starve a Fever. Is this good solid advice or justold "sage wisdom" that is absolutely wrong by current scientific standards

Monday, January 10, 2011

How to get Free eBooks

What could be better than Free eBooks? A guid designed for the Kindle, but 90% applicable to IPAD, NOOK and all the other forms of eReaders

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I think it best show you how to FIND the best free eBooks
it was said best, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

As I say, "Give a man a free eBook and he reads today but teach him to find a free eBook and he reads for life"
Free Kindle EBooks

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Steps to avoid the deadly disease of Hypertension

Learn the basics of hypertension and high blood pressure, along with a few tips on how to avoid this deadly disease.

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Hypertension is a deadly serious disease. Get a basic understanding of this killer disease as well as ways to avoid it.

Stay in Shape for the Winter Months

Avoid the horrible slide that most people undertake during the winter months. Let's face it it can seem very difficult to work out during the cold and dreary winter days. Learn a few steps to make it slightly easier to stay in shape during the winter months.

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Is easy to get out of shape during the winter. Don’t wait until the summer to wish you had a summer body. Why not start on some simple steps to get in shape during the winter.

Protect your kindle investment

If you have spent the money to get a nice new Kindle it is worth your time to think about getting a cover and protecting your investment.

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Kindles can be scratched or damaged.

The Kindle is an amazing gizmo.  The Kindle 2 can hold over 1500 books.  This is an amazing small library.
Like any piece of electronics you can break in scratch from rough usage.  You can toss a normal book across the room with no ill effect, I would recommend that for Kindle

Fight high Blood pressure

It is important to know about high blood pressure and the ways you can lessen the effects and avoid the disease of hypertension all together

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Hypertension is a deadly serious disease. Get a basic understanding of this killer disease as well as ways to avoid it.
What is High Blood Pressure?
Fighting High Blood Pressure

Saturday, January 8, 2011

So This 2012 Thing...

The signs ARE all there.....

Are you a paranoid if they really are out to get you?

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With the recent events with black birds and drum fish in Arkansas, I thought it might be time to visit the notion of the end of the world happening on December 21, 2012.  Yep the winter solstice this year was awesome with a total lunar eclipse.  Does good old Earth plan to upstage that spectacle with something of its own next year?  Personally I have my doubts, but then I have always been a bit of a pessimist.  So, before the furor really begins (oh how I remember the doom and gloom leading up to Y2K), lets take a look at the five  popular ways people are thinking the world is gonna dump its human cargo.


Importance of confidence in the workplace

Confidence in the workplace can be the key to either success or failure....

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How confidence can help in the workplace

There is not a better place to be –or act-confident than at work.  Your work is only part of what people judge you on. 
Believe it or not attitude has a HUGE bearing on success from a fry cook all the way up to a CEO.

Can Red Wine help your Heart?

This article discusses the properties of Red wWne which help it to a great benefit to cardiovascular health when taken in moderate doses. (1-2 drink a day...TOPS)

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You may have heard of the many benefits of Red Wine for both heart health and general immunity and anti-aging.  Can Red Wine really live up to the hype? 
Wonders of Red Wine Benefits

Are Men More Romantic Than Women?

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A girlfriend of mine told me her boyfriend asked her last week which she preferred -- opals or pearls. She said, "Ink cartridges." Her boyfriend was crestfallen when she explained that she'd prefer that he gift wrap a six-month supply of those expensive little ink cartridges for her printer/scanner than slip her a romantic necklace the night before Christmas.

This came as no surprise to me. In my own long-term study of married couples, and from the many studies I've read on romanticism among the genders, it appears that yet another gender myth can be dismantled: Men, typically, are more romantic than women.


e-mail time management secrets

For most people e-mail is a necessity. E-mail can also be a colossal time sink. This article discusses ways to utilize e-mail and maximize time management and efficiency

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Secrets of Effective Email Time Management
As a person who earns a living thanks to the internet, I’ll be the first to admit that email is a necessity. I’ll also be the first to admit that email can be a massive time waster, especially now that smart phones give us the ability to receive and send messages anytime, anywhere.

Discover the secrets of Zynga's CityVille

CityVille has now passed Farmville for the hottest game on Facebook. Here is a link to a guide for some better play, hints and strategies.

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Cityville Cash Secrets Guide
Zynga, the creators of Farmville and FrontierVille have done
it again.  Cityville is Zynga’s newest sensation
and it has literally taken the world by storm. 
the CityVille secrets and the
ways to level a faster rate is something that many people strive for.

Learn to use

A simple guide to Google's URL shortener

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How to use, Google's URL shortener


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Best ways to invest $100 each month

If you only have a limitied amount of "extra" cash here is the best way to invest the extra dough.

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Times are tough. It can be a little difficult these days to scrape together any extra money after all the needed payments go out. If it is only possible to set aside 100 dollars each month what is the best way to spend it.

Seo Techniques for Bloggers that really work

Effective SEO techniques for bloggers

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Effective SEO techniques for bloggers


A Game of Thrones on HBO prgressing nicely

For many fantasy enthusiasts the coming of George RR Martin's A Game of Thrones is looked forward to with as much, if not more, anticipation the the release of "the Lord of Rings" was years before.

AGOT is a different type of fantasy. Grittier, more realism and character development and less "fantasy". In other words perfect the perfect show for HBO. Which has a history of doing well with that type of content.

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A Game Of Thrones HBO Series
Winter is coming! So is A Game of Thrones. HBO has been filming the series now for over a month, with a release expected in April 2011

Winter is Coming... to HBO

The best written fantasy series ever written shall soon hopefully prove to be the best fantasy series ever watched. The dark and complex nature of A Game of Thrones is perfect for HBO, who have a history of making memorable series with characters that are anything but strait forward and cut and dry.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cars that hold their Value

A list of cars from multiple 3 and 5 year studies that universally have held their value over time.

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Cars that hold their value the best

What cars depreciate at the slowest rate?  If you are thinking of buying a new automobile and would like to sell it after a few years, these are important questions you should be asking.  Some cars simply do not hold their value well. 

Learn to use Google translate

Google translate is great. It can make the unclear clear and the indecipherable decipherable.

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If you have ever been stuck with trying to translate something online it should be much less of an issue now with Google Translate. 
It can make a indecipherable language suddenly clear with just a few simple mouse-clicks.  It it like having your own mini pocket translator.
How to use Google Translate


Increase Blog Traffic

Part eight in a series on how to increase your blogs traffic generation. This specific post deals with a blog generation diagram, overview,and how all the different aspects of blog traffic work together. Including including how your blog, lead magnet, e-mail sequence, freebie offer and back linking all work together to form the very best possible traffic generation for your blog.

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It’s time for week eight of the Get More Blog Traffic Blueprint.  Here we cover the specific tactics you can use to create a flood of visitors to your blog.

In last week’s discussion, we talked about the Blog Lead Generation Diagram:

Let’s talk about each…
Your Blog
Your Lead Magnet Site
The Email Sequence
The Offer
Lead Generation Diagram

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Income Trilogy

A complete guide to making money online includes sections on short, medium and long term methods to making money online

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Who Else Wants the Secret to Earning Internet Income in
How to make money online in the next week
The *best" Internet business and the *right* way to get
A real long-term income that earns money...practically on
19 habits of highly effective Internet entrepreneurs
THE "make or break" skill critical to online success

Keywords can improve resumes

Learn the ways that you can use Keywords to improve resumes.

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utilizing keywords can help significantly improve resumes and drastically increase the chance that a resume will be “found."
How do keywords work to improve you resume?

A Winter Coat for the iPod/iPhone

IPod/iPhone accessories that people should think about for the winter season

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Does your iPhone or iPod need a set of galoshes or a heavy winter coat?
Likely not; unless you're a little bit eccentric.

make money online with a residual income

Making money online with residual income is a tricky thing. it is something that can be done and it is something that is worth pursuing, but there's so much BS and garbage out there about how to go about doing it. In fact many ways that people recommend are simply projects that are designed to put money in their pocket not yours.

Learn the ways to begin building small residual incomes to truly make money online with passive and residual incomes.

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How to generate wealth by making money online

The concept of how to generate wealth by making money online is a little bit flawed.  The word “wealth” brings to mind all of those bad commercials. –you know the ones- The commercials where someone who had no ideas at all about the internet or marketing bought - Product X – and made a fortune in no time flat.  The commercials that promise fame, fortune and wealth if you simply buy their program. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Nook Color e-Reader

Right before Christmas Barnes & Noble unleashed a new e-reader onto the market. It is the Nook color e-reader and though it is more expensive than its main competitor: the Amazon Kindle, it also has a lot of functions the Kindle does not have.

Raead on to find more about the positives and negatives of the Nook color e-reader

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Nook Color e-Reader
An Overview of the Nook Color
Nook Color: The Negatives 
Nook Color: The Positives 
The Final Showdown 

Locate Unclaimed Money

Would you like to lay your hands on a few hundred extra dollars or perhaps even a few thousand. knowing the ways to search for unclaimed money online can do just that.

It isn't a scam, and there may be nothing there for you, but you never know until you look. The money will be yours and waiting for you and only you to pick it up. You never know if it's out there so you take the 5 min. to find out. The following lists those ways to find out if money is just sitting there waiting for you.

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How to locate unclaimed money

Would you like the chance to put a couple hundred extra bucks in your pocket?  Perhaps even a couple of thousand.  I know you would.

The best part of the whole thing is that it is all your money anyway and it only takes a little bit of effort to see if it is out there.

How much is really out there?


42 internet lifestyle traits for sucess

Anyone who works online should take a moment to reflect on 2010 and what it will take to be effective and prosperous in 2011. The following article discusses 42 traits and ways to become successful in 2011.

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It’s 2011.  We now have a fresh start on a brand new year.  Perhaps this year you’ll finally build that Internet business that earns a full-time income.  If you’re already successful online, maybe you’ll learn how to enjoy life more.
No matter what your goals are for 2011, I feel you can achieve them by doing specific things every day.  Specifically I recommend developing 42 “Internet lifestyle” habits in the next year:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 Blog Review 2011 Blog Preview

2010 Blog Review 2011 Blog Preview. Roundup of some good information and posts about the end of 2010 and the potential for 2011

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Mistakes of last year are in the distant past, “that was sooooo last year
But so are the accomplishments.   It is time to wrap last year up in a bow, both good and bad are done and gone.  What do you have for me now?  What are you doing today?  What are you doing tomorrow and the next day and the next?  We should never forget the past, but the new year is the perfect time to move on from it and embrace the future.

Finding your bank account routing number

Your bank account routing number is the first nine digits on your check. But what are other ways you can find it if you do not have a check handy or do not wish to get your checkbook at the moment. The following are some simple and quick ways to locate your bank routing number.

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Your bank account
routing number is one of those pieces of information that everybody should be able to put their hands on rapidly. Luckily these days it is not a difficult piece of information to lay your hands on.

Ways to write articles that make you money.

Writing articles and making money. That is what many people would like to do. the concept is great; working from the comfort of your own home, on your own schedule. But how can you make those articles that will actually make money, whether up front or residual?

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How to write articles that make you money
Why do you want to write online?  Hopefully it is a long answer and part of it is a desire to share and a love of writing.
We all need money, why not make some doing something you –hopefully- love; writing online. 
How to write articles that make you money:

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Effective SEO techniques for bloggers

A basic guide for the beginings of Organic SEO knowledge. Every blogger should at least know the basics of SEO and understand the concepts behind organic Traffic

Make money writing online

is making money by writing online possible? Yes it is. This article is not a pie-in-the-sky, "get rich with no effort" push.

Is anybody decently intelligent should know most things that will make you significant amounts of money take a lot of effort in one form or another. This is an honest look at some of the ways to make some money writing in the short term while building a base for long-term profits.

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Are there online sites to make money writing that are worth the effort?  Yes! 

Using a few of them and the remuneration can actually be quite decent.  Not enough to spit in your boss’s eye and quit forever, at least not for a while, but enough to pay a few bills.  Maybe even enough to exceed what you could make in a part time job. 

The money is good if the effort is good.

YouTube trends: is trending the future of YouTube?

A brief explanation of the new YouTube "trend" feature. A feature that allows users to increasingly find newer and more targeted YouTube videos for their enjoyment.

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YouTube has created another great way to find trending viral videos so that fans can find the hottest and freshest in viral videos. 
YouTube has taken a leap into the future with YouTube trends; or perhaps a leap from the past into the present.  These time travelling leaps all get so confusing.